Overdue fine collection:

1. (i) Each Undergraduate members of the central library in this university can borrow two volumes at a time for the period of one week (07 days) and can renew once for another one week (07 days). The same copies of volumes are not allowed to borrow. The Borrower will be responsible for his/her document after check out from the library. First come first serve rule will be followed. The rate of overdue charge from all classes for overdue books shall be Taka ten (10) per day per volume.

(ii) Each Graduate members of the central library of the university can borrow two volumes at a time for the period of two weeks (14 days) and can renew once for another Two weeks (14 days). The same copies of volumes are not allowed to borrow. The Borrower will be responsible for his/her document after check out from the library. First come first serve rule will be followed. The rate of overdue charge from all classes for overdue books shall be Taka ten (10) per day per volume.

(iii) A borrower belonging to members of the Syndicate; Teaching Staff and Officers of the University shall ordinarily be entitled to not more than ten (10) volumes at one time to retain a book for 30 days. At the end of this period, the book shall be returned to the Library and if the same is not required by any other reader, it may be re-issued on the same day to the same borrower for a further period of 30 days. If books become returnable on a holiday, they may be returned on the date when the Library re-opens after the holiday. Books due for return during a vacation may be returned within three days after the expiry of the vacation. The Librarian may refuse to issue any further books till all overdue books are returned or all charges cleared.

2. (i) Borrowers and readers are advised to inspect books issued to them at the time of issue and to call the attention of the Library Assistant to any defects, marginal notes, act. The borrower shall be liable to replace at his own expense any books lost or returned to the Library, damaged or annotated by him. If the volume lost or injured forms part of a set and cannot be replaced without the whole set being replaced, the borrower shall replace the whole set. The damaged book or set in question shall then become the property of the borrower.

(ii) In case of the inability of borrowers to replace books, the Librarian at his discretion may realize Two times the price of the book and additional fifty (50) taka as Library service charge. Here the fine {(Book price x 2) + 50)} shall be deposited to the accounts office of the university books reported lost.

3. The rate of overdue charge from all classes for overdue books shall be Tk. 10.00 per day per volume. The overdue charge will be counted when the renewal period will go over. A in the case of salaried person of the University, the overdue charge so imposed shall be realized from the salary of the defaulter without further reference. In the case of students, the overdue charge shall be realized in cash by the Accounts Office under intimation to the Library.

Note: All deposits and overdue charges are to be paid into the Accounts Office of the University and will be refunded after deduction of any fine of charges outstanding against the depositor.